Archive for April, 2011

Anyone that has had a yeast infection (Candida) only to have it return in a short period of time knows only too well the annoyance and affect it can have on them. It’s the ability to return so quickly that makes it a frustrating ailment to be plagued with. Yeast is a natural bacterium within our body. It is harmless until our immune system becomes unbalanced allowing it to grow.

Fact: 70% of women will experience an infection during their lifetime.

Although not life threatening, an infection can affect our health in many ways and even impact our social life. (Vaginal yeast infection can be passed back and forth between sexual partners). Symptoms are intense itching and soreness, burning during urination, discomfort during intercourse, discharge and occasional bleeding. The infection can be quite severe occurring in women (vaginal discharge) and men (penile infection).

Causes of Yeast Infection

There are many reasons for developing a yeast infection but ultimately a correlation between poor diet, excessive alcohol, high sugar levels, low immune system and low pH levels are major reasons. If these factors continue, then the likelihood of a return is far greater. A consistently high pH (potential hydrogen) will allow the bacteria to multiply giving cause to recurring bouts of infection (Candida) regardless of treatment you may avail yourself of.

The higher your body pH level, the more susceptible you are.(7.4+)

Fact: Yeast bacterium thrive in an acidic medium.

Why do yeast infections return so frequently?

Yeast (Candida Albicans) is naturally present in our body and is normally kept in check by our body’s immune system. Should our immune system be impaired in any way then the yeast infection can return depending on various other factors. Unfortunately, due to our lifestyle the chances are that should you develop an infection, it will return at a later date.

Is There a Cure for a Yeast Infection?

While there are plenty of drugs available from you physician, this does not address the root cause of recurring bouts of the infection. Positive steps to improve your pH levels in order to fight Candida and keep it away for good can be taken which will also lead to improved overall health but they are steps that need to be maintained at a level of consistency. Unfortunately consistency is not something that seems to fit in with our hectic daily schedules and many of us are unable to maintain the necessary requirements to stop recurring bouts.

So what is the solution?

An adjustment of our pH levels by way of a daily supplement and small changes to our diet. By maintaining a pH level of 7.4 we can not only eradicate bouts of yeast infection but also improve our overall health by giving our immune system a boost. Test strips can be purchased from your pharmacy which will help you monitor your acidity level and keep your body in check.

Sometimes kidney stone symptoms do not show at all so you do not even know that they are there. This happens when the stealthy stones are located above the pelvis of the kidney. But once the stone passes into the ureter, the symptoms will start showing because it may prevent the urine from getting drained out of the kidney.


This is probably the most obvious among the kidney stone symptoms. Renal colic which is kind of like a cramping pain will start to be felt once the ureter’s muscular wall begins contracting. This is only a natural reaction in attempt to get the kidney stone to the bladder area. From loin to groin, this pain may be felt. It could either be on the side or the middle of the abdomen depending on where the stone is lodged. It could even reach as far as the groin area.

Passing a kidney stone, or even worse more than one, can be an excruciating experience depending on the size of the stone. There are various ways to pass the stone once it has been diagnosed or identified. These range from home remedies through to surgical procedures.

Increase in urination or the inability to urinate

As the stone makes it way from the ureter into the bladder, these symptoms may occur. It varies from case to case. Some may not control the urge to urinate while others may feel the need to but nothing comes out.

Nausea and vomiting

Because of the link to the intestines, nausea and vomiting are two kidney stone symptoms that a sufferer may experience.

Hematuria, simply put, blood in the urine

Sometimes people see it when they pee, sometimes they do not. But just because you do not see it does not mean it is not there. The presence of blood may also be detected through a lab test. This unwanted bleeding may be the result of kidney damage or of the lining of the ureter.

The final two “rias”- Pyuria and Dysuria

Pyria means that there is pus in the urine. However, unlike when there is blood, it is usually difficult to be seen. A lab test is required to find this.

Dysuria on the other hand means that there is a burning sensation when one has to urinate. The worst of the worst.

If the kidney stones become even more severe, the consequences also become greater. Although this is highly unlikely, partial or even complete blockage of the kidney can result in the urine backing up into the blood. This will then lead to not only kidney damage but possible damage of the blood vessels associated with it.

There a variety of common chronic diseases that affect millions of people on an annual basis. The most popular include high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer and diabetes. There are however many others which are not that frequently mentioned. The following are some medically known causes of particular chronic illnesses.

Causes Of Skin Cancer

Affecting over a million people in the United States, skin cancer is one of the commonest type of cancer in America today. It affects a variety of people by gender, age and social status. Cancer is dangerous because it represents an uncontrollable growth of cells. This has the effect of taking up nutrients and supplies for other cells in the vicinity. Left unchecked skin cancer can be fatal. Here are known causes;

  1. Sunlight also known as ultraviolet light
  2. X-rays in high level exposure
  3. Compromise of immune system
  4. Certain industrial chemicals

Causes Of Diabetes

Diabetes is a serious chronic illness which when identifies will need immediate management to ensure it does not cause further damage. Left unchecked diabetes may lead to loss of sight, renal failure and limp loss. It is a disease that is associated with blood sugar medically known as blood glucose. When glucose reaches very levels in the blood stream due to problems with insulin diabetes is mentioned. The following are known causes of diabetes;

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  1. Immune problems resulting in distraction of cells producing insulin in the pancreas
  2. Genetics – runs through the family
  3. High blood pressure – risk factor
  4. Obesity – risk factor
  5. High fat diet – risk factor
  6. Lack of exercise – risk factor

Causes Of AIDS

One of the most dreaded chronic diseases, AIDS is caused by a virus called HIV which is transmitted in certain ways between and amongst humans. It is most rampart in terms of its effects and prevalence in developing countries particularly Africa. The causes of AIDS are rather straight forward. What doctors are concerned about and which becomes the center of campaigns is how the virus is transmitted from one person to the other. By default at least in the public domain these methods have become to be known as the causes of AIDS;

  1. Unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected person
  2. Contaminated blood transfusion
  3. Sharing needles which are contaminated
  4. Transmission from mother to child

Individuals with weaker immune systems are also at a higher risk as their first line of defense is already compromised. Maintaining a healthy body by eating healthy is one way of ensuring natural protection against many of these chronic diseases.

Sweating is the body response to heat in order to stay cool by secreting fluid via the sweat glands. It happens when the body is producing heat or when it is exposed to heat. By releasing moisture onto the skin, heat is released out of the body. Your body also sweats in response to stress.

What is anhidrosis?

Anhidrosis simply means lack of sweating. It is a condition when a person cannot sweat when exposed to heat. It doesn’t sound serious but it can potentially be life-threatening if left untreated. When a
person suffering from anhidrosis is overexposed to heat, his body cannot regulate its temperature thus the body will overheat.

Anhidrosis may often go unrecognized. Some diseases and underlying disorders can cause anhidrosis. Some medications can also affect how the body respond to heat. Due to the many possible causes of anhidrosis, it is difficult to diagnose.

Common causes of anhidrosis

– Head injury, heatstroke, hysteria, and some neurologic disorders like Guillain-Barre syndome can cause anhidrosis.

– Dehydration

– Diabetes

– Burns

– Trauma to sweat glands like exfoliative dermatritis

– Prematurely born babies are usually not able to sweat normally due to under developed nerve systems.

– Certain medicationss are known to cause anhidrosis. Some of them include heart and blood pressure medications, nausea, and psychiatric medications.

The symptoms of anhidrosis

– Lack or absence of sweating


– Muscle cramps and fatigue

Irregular or rapid heart beat

– In severe cases, the symptoms include hallucination or even coma.

The Treatments of anhidrosis

Treatments aren’t necessary if it only affects a part of your body. If you hardly sweat even when you work or exercise in high intensity, talk to your doctor. Your doctor will treat the cause of anhidrosis because there are no specific treatments to anhidrosis.

Some of these treatments can help relieve the problems caused by anhidrosis

– Drink plenty of water

– Drink juices or electrolyte drinks when working out

– Avoid caffeine or alcohol since it can cause dehydration

– Exercise in air conditioned room

– Wear an appropriate outfit for exercise

To treat heat cramps:

– Don’t ignore any stress symptoms like muscle cramping, nausea, dizziness, or fatigue.

– Gently massage the cramped muscles when it happens

– Get medical help if muscle cramping persists

Heat exhaustion or heat stroke:

– Remove the clothing that to let the body release heat easily

– Move the person to a cool place

Spray the skin with water and wrap some wet towels on it

A kidney is one of the most vital body organs, so you should really take care of it in every possible way. It will allow for you to have the best quality of health in order to maintain your life in its normal state. It will give you the health that you need in order to go on with your interaction with others. As a result, you can be productive and you can eliminate all the signs of threats impose to your health.
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However, at times, your kidney suffers from several conditions, and one of this is kidney stones. Kidney stones will prevent you from maintaining the quality of your health. It will make way for you to be sidelined from the things you are doing. As the stones in your kidney increases, it will further affect your health and several conditions may arise that can result from this. All you need to do is to look for the most essential kidney stones treatment in order to help you fight the condition and regain control of your life.

There are different ways o how you can gain benefit from kidney stones treatment. It will allow you to effectively eliminate all the stones in your kidney; therefore, making way for you to regain control of your life and you can take back the quality of your health in every single way. Moreover, looking for natural treatment will save you money and time, as you can find the very best solution straight through your home.

Drinking lots of water on a regular basis will help you to flush your kidney stones effectively. Drinking at least eight glasses of water everyday will help you to optimize your health. Also, you need to know that cranberry juice will be able to eliminate the stones in your kidney. It can help clear your urinary tract in order for the urine to pass effectively through it. You should also increase the intake of fruits and vegetables because they are proven effective in helping practically every condition.

In addition, you should eliminate the intake of foods high in sugar because these foods may only further worsen your condition. If you can do all of these, it can ensure that you can recover from the dreaded condition. Kidney stones treatment that comes from natural means will be able to help you in every single way. You should really help yourself in having these natural treatments in order to go on with your life effectively and completely.

Most people who suffer from Acid Reflux will particularly suffer at night, often causing them to have a lot of trouble sleeping and they are left feeling very uncomfortable.

Apart from the unpleasantness of the reflux symptoms, the effects of lost sleep over several nights can cause the sufferer to become very tired and totally miserable.

There are some steps you can take to help ease the night-time Acid Reflux and decrease the occurrence of the symptoms.

Take a look at your diet. There are certain types of foods that will trigger your acid reflux, these are likely to include spicy foods, very acidic foods, foods or drinks with a high sugar content. Consider moving to a healthier diet, this can help you to get a good nights sleep.

  • Take your time when you eat, chew your food slowly and thoroughly.
  • Drink herbal tea or water instead of sugary drinks.
  • Keep the consumption of alcohol to a minimum Ensure that you don’t overeat either, it is better to eat 4 or 5 small  meals during the day and avoid a large dinner at night Eat fresh papaya / pineapple / root ginger to aid digestion Do not eat within three hours of going to bed.

The main reason that you experience reflux at night is because of your body laying down, where during the day your body is largely upright. The contents of the stomach will naturally go to the lower section of the stomach when you are sitting or standing, this keeps them well away from the junction of the stomach and esophagus. When you lay down the contents of the stomach can very easily come into contact with the junction of the stomach and esophagus and if the anti-reflux barrier is not functioning correctly, reflux can occur.
Elevate your bed higher at the head end, the incline will naturally encourage the acid to stay the stomach.
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You can buy an adjustable bed, there are a number of motorized beds available. These beds allow you to quickly and safely adjust the height of the head of your bed, they are also great for watching TV in bed, reading books or eating in bed.
A low cost alternative to an adjustable bed is simply to place a couple of boards or bricks under the legs at the head of the bed, make sure that the bed remains stable with movement on the bed. Ideally the bed should be raised 4 to 6 inches.
Try using a thicker pillow or one that has been specifically designed just for acid reflux reduction. The pillow needs to raise your entire upper body, raising just your head will not be effective.

Research carried out has shown that lying on your left side while sleeping will also help to reduce the chances of Acid Reflux occurring, this is because of the junction between the esophagus and the stomach will be at the highest possible position.

If you regularly suffer from night time Acid Reflux then do something about it. Reflux is not hard to cure and you do not need to take antacids or other medication to cure it.

Osteoporosis is known to be the leading cause of fractures in adults above 45 years of age. An estimated 75 million of people across the globe and particularly in the United States, Europe and Japan are diagnosed with this condition. Approximately 9 million fractures associated with osteoporosis have been identified, in which 1.9 million are hip fractures and 1.4 million are fractures of the backbone. Osteoporosis is a condition in which there is a significant decrease in the bone mineral density or BMD. It is characterized by a decrease in the density of the bone, thereby decreasing its strength. This leads to bone fragility, subjecting the bones to frequent injuries and fractures. Risk factors of osteoporosis include women who are over 45 years old, have smaller body structures, history of taking certain medications and having close family members who also suffer with the same health condition.

Osteoporosis is a silent disease since no particular signs and symptoms attributed with this condition can be easily noticed. This health condition does not usually produce signs and symptoms. The pain and discomfort present for people who suffer from osteoporosis are due to fractures. These fractures resulted from the decrease in bone density. Lower back pain and discomfort is the most common symptom experienced by people who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis. Those with this condition experience fractures even to simple activities that usually do not cause fractures to healthy individuals. Diagnosing this condition is performed through medical history, diagnostic examinations like X-rays, a thorough physical assessment and evaluation of signs and symptoms which are both previously and recently experienced.

The goal of treatment and management for osteoporosis is to prevent fractures and other injuries that can be a result of a decrease in bone strength and density. Early detection and prompt treatment is important to prevent further injuries associated with this condition. Preventive measures that must be taken by people suffering from this condition include lifestyle changes and strict adherence to therapeutic regimen recommended by the physician. Lifestyle modification involves healthy diet, regular exercise and adequate rest and sleep. Cigarette smoking cessation and abstaining from alcohol are very important steps in lifestyle modification for people suffering from osteoporosis. When planning for physical activities, it must be kept in mind that bones are still fragile and therefore, activities, which must be part of the exercise program, must not be that intense and rigid. The client must be able to tolerate the form of exercise.

There is a range of osteoporosis treatments in the form of medications, which include Actonel, Boniva, Fosamax, Reclast, Evista, Forteo, Fortical, Miacalcin, and Prolia. The diet of individuals with this condition must contain high amounts of calcium and vitamin D. Examples of calcium-rich foods include milk, yogurt, broccoli, cauliflower, salmon, tofu and green leafy vegetables. Calcium supplements are beneficial for cases of osteoporosis. Vitamin D must also be taken since this vitamin aids in the absorption of calcium from the circulation into the bones. A healthy diet and proper exercise are proven to be effective in preventing osteoporosis, as well as in reducing the risks for having fractures in case osteoporosis has already been diagnosed.

Diverticulitis risk increases with individuals who consume a low-fiber diet. Diverticulitis treatment includes a diet that will reduce the symptoms of diverticulitis and the related stomach pain and digestive problems. In severe instances, this diverticulitis diet could include liquids such as water, fruit juices, broth and ice pops. With juices, they should not be acidic, as they may disrupt the digestive system.

Reducing Diverticulitis with Dieting

Diverticulitis risk increases with individuals who consume a low-fiber diet. There are a handful of diverticulitis related symptoms, including abdominal pain, chills, fever, nausea, vomiting and weight loss. Complications from diverticulitis include rectal bleeding, an abscess in the colon wall and intestinal obstructions. In some cases, when diverticulitis is extreme, it may need to be treated with surgery or antibiotics.

Severe Diverticulitis and Liquids

Diverticulitis treatment includes a diet that will reduce the symptoms of diverticulitis and the related stomach pain and digestive problems. In severe instances, this diverticulitis diet could include liquids such as water, fruit juices, broth and ice pops. With juices, they should not be acidic, as they may disrupt the digestive system.

The Importance of Fiber and a Diverticulitis Diet

Eventually, you can return to a regular diet, though it is advisable to begin with low fiber foods. Fiber is the part of foods that the body is unable to digest. There are two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and turns into a soft jelly like substance as it passes through the digestive system. Insoluble fiber remains relatively the same as it passes through the intestines. Both types of fiber aid digestion and inhibit constipation.

Recommended Fiber Consumption with a Diverticulitis Diet

The American Dietetic Association recommends 20 to 35 grams of fiber daily, which includes 6-8 grams of soluble fiber. The build up of fiber in your diet should be gradual, as a brisk increase could result in gas, diarrhea and bloating. Drinking water with a diverticulitis diet is important because the fiber is better digested with fluids.

Recommended Foods for a Diverticulitis Diet

Whole wheat breads, grains, pastas and cereals as well as brown rice, wheat germ and oatmeal are recommended foods. Vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, green pepper, Brussels sprouts, spinach, squash and turnips are also advisable for a diverticulitis diet. Doctors suggest eating fruits such as apple, banana, blackberries, fig pineapple, cherries, blueberries, dates, apricot, grapefruit and nectarine. Two to three servings of dairy is suggested as well as two to three servings of meat or meat substitutes. Meat substitutes include beans such as aduki, black beans, kidney beans and fava beans as well as peanut butter and other smooth, nut based butters.

Diverticulitis is a painful disorder that affects millions of people. Fortunately, with proper diet, its symptoms can be greatly reduced. The important thing to remember is that consistency is key. As diverticulitis will continue to persist, remember to maintain a healthy diverticulitis to avoid any of the painful consequences.

There are a number of ways to treat Mollescum.

Lets look at some of the most common Molluscum Contagiosum Treatment options:


Cryotherapy involves freezing off the individual molluscum warts with liquid nitrogen or nitrous oxide. The procedure is somewhat uncomfortable but totally bearable. In terms of efficacy, this is a fantastic option that works in most cases while leaving little to no scarring and eliminating the need to use creams or gels of any kind.


Surgery is something of a misnomer in this case because the procedure is highly non-invasive. Essentially, the doctor takes a sharp scalpel-like instrument and cuts out the little mollscum pimple. If there are a great many of these molescum warts, another treatment may be more appropriate. However, for individual warts, surgery is a fantastic, quick and complication-free option in most cases.

Topical Medications

Molluscum Contagiosum treatment with topical medications is a common albeit rather ineffective option. Since the molescum virus self-spreads through a process known as autoinnoculation, rubbing lotions on your warts can actually facilitate infection of healthy portions of skin!


Molluscum contagiosum treatment via laser is preferable for patients who have a large number of lesions, or an entire patch. Typically, the treated area clears up with no scarring in about 2 weeks. This procedure is up to 95% effective. The only downside of molluscum contagiosum treatment with laser is that the virus is still present in the body and new groups of lesions may appear until the immune system has recognized and begun to combat the virus.

Systemic Approaches

There are a handful of drugs available that act on a systemic level to remove the virus but are not highly effective. The only instance where such an approach may be indicated is if the entire body of the patient is covered in mollescum lesions.


The most effective molluscum contagiosum treatment is with some sort of mechanical removal of the actual lesions. Surgery, or removal with a currette is preferred, but laser presents a viable option as well. For the uninsured, the downside of laser is its prohibitive cost. Also, the requisite 585nm laser is not ubiquitously available. Cryotherapy is also effective as a molluscum contagiosum treatment and involves minimal discomfort.

Once a diagnosis of this virus has been firmly decided upon, treatment should be undertaken immediately to prevent spread to others, oneself and also to preserve self-confidence in the face of an unsightly skin condition.

Molluscum contagiosum treatment options are many, but skin creams and drugs are not the way to go for this particular condition.

Diet kidney is a term that is used to describe the special diet which must be adhered to by people with a failed or diseased kidney. As a result of my involvement in the Health sector, I receive a lot of inquiries from people about how to stick to and follow a diet regime for Kidney Failure. One of the most recurring complaint is that this diet type has too many constraints and tends to be very strict and relentless.

What Is Kidney Failure

The kidney is a major player in the regulation of the human bodily functions. Apart from aiding the body in getting rid of its wastes, it also helps in filtering the blood, stimulating the production of red blood cells and creates a balance in the level of electrolytes in the body. Kidney failure thereby occurs with the inability of the kidneys to perform the afore-mentioned functions.

Kidney failure is an almost endemic condition that can be a common conduit for different renal and urinary tract diseases. If it gets worse, wastes can build up to high and dangerous levels in your blood, thereby causing complications which can include; nerve damage, poor nutritional health, high blood pressure and anaemia.

Importance Of Good Nutrition For Diet Kidney

A good and balanced diet is essential for people with damaged or deteriorating kidney functions. Eating healthy is important to everyone but is even more so to people with kidney failure. Only good nutrition can give you the energy you need to do your daily tasks, maintain a healthy weight, help build muscles and prevent infections. Consultations with your physician can help in understanding what foods may or may not be appropriate, if extra nutrients needs to be taken, and most probably, a referral to a dietician who can work out a diet plan for you.

The Basics Of A Good Diet For Kidney Disease

The basics of a healthy nutritional eating plan is to devise a plan which gives the recipient the right amount of Calories, Protein, Minerals and Vitamins.

PROTEIN: Getting the right amount of protein is paramount to your overall health and well-being. Some of the most important sources of protein are Red Meat(veal, lamb,beef), Poultry, Eggs, Fish and other seafoods, Pork, Grains and Vegetables.

CALORIES: Calories are like the fuel our body needs to produce energy with which we carry out our everyday activities. They help in maintaining a healthy body weight, and allows the body to use up protein to repair the muscles and tissues in the body. The amount of calories our body needs differs from one individual to the other. If you are not getting the right amount of calories in your diet, you may need to eat extra high sugary foods like jam, syrup, honey, hard candy, etc.

MINERALS and VITAMINS: As a result of kidney disease and dialysis,
the amount of minerals and vitamins your body needs changes. Because you are on a special diet, the limit on your food choices can deprive you of many of the important minerals and vitamins you would otherwise get from various food sources. Therefore, you may need to take special vitamins or minerals as recommended by your physician ONLY.

Controlling Other Important Nutrients

If you suffer from kidney disease, you may need to balance fluids and other essential minerals and electrolytes which can have a big impact on your day to day living.

These include:

PHOSPHORUS: Found in dairy products, nuts, bran, and beverages. Too much phosphorus in the body can result in weak bones, a build up of calcium in the heart, blood vessels, joints and muscles. This can ultimately lead to heart conditions, skin ulcers, and poor blood circulation.

POTASSIUM: The amount of potassium you need depends on many factors which can include any medication that can alter the levels of potassium in the body. Too much or too little can be dangerous because some people on dialysis may need more potassium while others may be less. Good sources include leafy green vegetables, banana, avocado, milk, dried beans and peas, etc.

CALCIUM: Is the key mineral for building strong bones. Moreover, there is a high phosphorus content in foods that are good sources of calcium. To counter this setback, you may need to take phosphate binders and a special form of vitamin D which can be recommended by your physician.

SODIUM:This affects blood pressure and water balance in your body. Sodium is found in table salt, seasoning, canned foods and processed meats. Lack of sodium can lead to swelling of the ankle, fingers and eyes.

The kidney has a remarkable ability to recover from certain conditions if diagnosed early and treated using dialysis, diet, and or transplantation.